What is low cortisol and why should you care?
Well, it's super common and most of the time, we become so used to feeling this way that we just rely on stimulants like coffee to wake up and alcohol to help us fall asleep - without realising that there's a hormonal reason for why you're feeling so *flat*.
Tell me if this sounds anything like you...
🔸 Always tired and zapped of energy
🔸 Dizziness and starry eyes when standing up quickly
🔸 Low blood pressure
🔸 Salt cravings
🔸 Low libido
🔸 Sleep problems/hard to wake up in the morning
🔸 Low immunity, often sick
🔸 Forgetfulness
🔸 Brain fog & difficulty concentrating
🔸 Emotional/mood swings
🔸 Needs coffee to get going
🔸 Low appetite
🔸 Hair loss/thinning
🔸 Weight loss
Have I got your attention? Low cortisol is super common, especially amongst those who:
🔹 Work long hours
🔹 'Burn the candle at both ends'
🔹 Have a huge workload
🔹 Have trouble saying 'no'
🔹 Have a high stress job
🔹 Are passionate entrepreneurs
🔹 Give so much care to others yet neglect themselves in the process
Low cortisol is also common amongst those who have prolonged stress from other causes such as financial troubles, conflict, being a primary caregiver, grief, divorce, study, etc.
BUT, is low cortisol the problem?
Not necessarily. The adrenals only make cortisol when they're instructed to. These instruction messages come from the brain (hypothalamus and pituitary) so it's not actually an adrenal or cortisol problem - it's more of a 'symptom'. Prolonged high cortisol can be damaging to the body, so after long-term stressful situations, cortisol production is down-regulated (which means we end up feeling super *sluggish* and burnt out).
The best way to know if cortisol is to blame is to get tested. This can tell you whether cortisol is to blame, how to rebalance this hormone system and boost your nutrient status from depleted to nourished.
To get started today, book your free Discovery Call with me here. Let's chat!