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Feed Your Gut Bugs This Special Fibre.

Updated: Jan 14

Resistant starch is a type of carbohydrate that reaches the colon undigested and supports your bowel flora to improve gut health and reduce the risk of colon cancer. Because it is so slowly digested, it also releases glucose more slowly.

Fermentation of resistant starch by bowel flora produces butyrate (SCFA) - this is an energy source for intestinal epithelial cells and helps to maintain the health of the colon by decreasing inflammation and promoting healing.

The effects of resistant starch on the colon include:

- Increases the concentration of short chain fatty acids (SCFA’s)

- Lowers the pH

- Lowers the concentrations of ammonia, phenols and secondary bile acids.

Food sources of resistant starch

Cooked and cooled potato, cold sweet potato, raw cashew nuts, green bananas (including green banana flour used in baking), fruit & veg, slippery elm, psyllium husk, cold long grain rice, and uncooked rolled oats (eg. overnight oats).

P.S - Want to learn how to heal your gut & reduce symptoms like bloating? Join the Healthy Gut Reset Program? Click below to join today! xx

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