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What is Self-Care, Really?

Updated: Jan 14

Self-care can seem like a really fluffy topic, but it’s something we all need to prioritise - even when we feel like we don't need to.

We are all busy and some of us handle stress better than others. But the late nights, the

rushing around, the huge pile of work, the deadlines and the filled-to-the-brim days are stressing your body out, whether you notice it or not.

Self-care is about more than just taking a bubble bath and reading a book in the sunshine -

those things are great!

But it’s more about giving yourself a mental and physical break:

That could mean saying ‘no’ more often.

I've struggled with this word my whole life, but two things I've started doing which has helped SO much are:

  1. Listening to my gut. I know that sounds super weird to some people but its been the #1 thing thats helped me make the right decisions.

  2. Waiting to answer. I have this silly knee-jerk reaction to just agree to doing something straight away (without fully considering if I should), so my new strategy is to think about it first, and respond later. That way I can really think it through and consult my 'gut' for the answer (😂).

Having a weekend away as often as you need it.

Even if it’s just to visit friends or family. Getting away from the hustle and bustle of your regular life can really help you to take your mind off things.

Taking regular breaks during the day.

Breaks make us healthier, happier and MORE productive (‹‹ that's a hard one to wrap your head around!). Taking on too much for too long and running around with 15 mental tabs open can eventually lead to forgetfulness, less drive, less motivation, feeling less organised and more overwhelmed (= makes you LESS productive).

How to do this: 👉Aim for a short break from work every hour (anything to stop working and looking at screens). Look out the window, close your eyes, do some breath work, stretches or go for a little walk. 👉Take your lunch break away from your desk. 👉Listen to silence for at least part of your commute home (i.e no radio, music or podcasts). 👉Start your self-care practices an hour before bed (if you can).

Filling in your spare time with nothing.

This is such a weird thing for us! We are always switched ‘on’ by having access to our phones, laptops, tablets etc. There’s always something to keep us entertained. On the days that I work in Brisbane, I often drive up with no music or podcasts playing and I have WAY more ideas come through or I figure out a solution to something because I finally have time to think!

This is a form of self care too - silence & doing nothing.

All these things help us to feel more refreshed and ready to GIVE more of

ourselves when we need to.

Tell me what’s your favourite way to switch off? Is it something you do everyday?

P.S >> Have you grabbed your copy of the 21 Day Self-Care Program? Click below to start today!

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